
Showing 1-6 of 30 results


Remote Work 工具 of the Remote Work Trade

Working from home is no longer a business decision or a lifestyle choice. During the biggest public health crisis in a century, it’s a necessity: not to save time or money, 但是为了拯救生命.

在本文中, Toptal Technical Editor 内尔敏Hajdarbegovic introduces newcomers to essential tools used by remote workers.



A veteran tech writer, Nermin helped create online publications covering everything from the semiconductor industry to cryptocurrencies.

Blockchain, 物联网, and the Future of Transportation: Understanding the Motoro Coin

开源, 物联网, and Ethereum smart contracts work together with a new utility coin to make transportation more accessible and reduce vehicle waste. 在本文中, Toptal Freelance Ethereum Developer Michał Mikolajczyk explains the motivations and methodology behind his startup’s latest initiative.



Founder/CEO of a blockchain 物联网 startup and 社区 leader for Toptal Warsaw, Michal has a wide range of full-stack experience.

广泛的对. Narrow Skillsets: Software 工程 Skills Demystified

在本文中, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer 提比略Florea outlines the difference between deep and broad skillsets and explains why broadening your skillset may further your career.



Tiberius is an award-winning full-stack developer who has worked for Google. He also interned at Facebook and Microsoft.

The Developer Resume Is Dead: Long Live the Portfolio

Have you been googling articles on how to build an outstanding developer resume? 马上停止. 这是浪费时间! 求职信? That’s a waste as well.



Flavio is a senior Java developer and a team leader. He’s worked on complex projects for multiple high-profile clients.

Common Mistakes in Client Communication: How to Not Frustrate Your Client

This article will help you identify and address various communication issues that can plague off-site professionals. Whether you’re a full-stack developer, UI设计师, 或者内容创建者, these easy to memorize tips will help you hone your communication skills.

Andreza Cristina da Silva

Andreza Cristina da Silva

Andreza, a former fellow at CERN, has worked at different stages & on different types of software projects. Lately, she focuses on iOS apps.

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Freelancer Identity Theft: It Happened to Me—Here's What You Should Know

Freelancer identity theft happens all the time. In fact, someone’s likely had their identity stolen as you read these words. Let’s hope it wasn’t you.

在这篇文章中, Toptal Software Engineer Relja Damnjanovic shares his story about freelancer identity theft and offers lessons for freelancers, who don’t want to learn things the hard way.

Relja Damnjanovic

Relja Damnjanovic

Relja has extensive corporate and freelance experience, and a computer science engineering degree. He’s a certified Magento expert.

Time Management Secrets of an Efficient Engineer

Freelancers work flexible hours, but this convenience comes at a price: They have to manage their time better than on-site professionals. However, it also means they’re free to optimize their routine and achieve exceptional efficiency.

在这篇文章中, software engineer 德米特里•Ryazantsev will guide you through the ins and outs of personal time management, leaving little to chance. What good are great rates if you waste hours each week?



Dmitry’s Android dev experience includes work on the Yandex browser (10M+ installs) and creating his own game, 有250个,000安装.

Toptal 工程 专家


Gabriel is a highly efficient and reliable professional who possesses a broad skill set for web application development. He's been working on a range of products and clients—from working on scalability problems in production engineering teams at Shopify and Autodesk to launching new applications for startups. Most of his work consists of leading technical teams, by creating an easy development environment, fixing technical debts, providing best practices code examples, 指导开发者.



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